I've always found the imagination fascinating, especially after studying for my psychology degree, the whole thing really gives me a buzz knowing that we're all so different, so unique and individual.
I had a very vivid imagination as a child and it's something that I seem to have carried into adulthood. Call it childish or be fascinated by it but I have to admit that I'm the first to think high thoughts in any given situation.....a floorboard creaking is a world of fairies living under the floor when it's just the cat coming into the room or a noise in the room is maybe a monster, he he he. I don't seem to think of a logical explanation first, it's always something from fantasy land which I think is quite endearing in a way.
On an artistic level this seems to have given me opportunities throughout life. I love all arts, including dance and music. I play the piano and I even tap danced with the Royal Academy of Dancing for 10 years. I adore the theatre and always have an urge to just jump up with them all to join in and I'm fascinated by the history of art after studying it on my BTEC interior design course in the 90's, in fact, this is a subject I want to investigate further one day.
Understanding art and it's origins is quite complex but boy what a ride and I loved studying evolotionary psychology too where even in the process of natural and sexual selection psychologists have asked why illnesses such as Bipolar have managed to survive but in fact, it's because a lot of people who suffer from Bipolar are very artistic which gives them a huge advantage in the world. It would appear that in life there's always a reason for everything and this fascinates me.
Moving back to my own personal imagination, I'd decided a few months ago to start designing a range of cushions to do with animals and creatures in nature. You've already seen a few of them but one of the recent ones is just adorable and really something. It's called ' The Flowery Snail ' and I already love using the technique of freehand machine embroidering lots and lots of shapes ( the shape depending on the design ) into a design and so following a summer and garden theme I decided to decorate my snail with flower shapes and each one was sewn separately and so you can imagine how long it took. It's so worth it though, see for yourself.
I love this design so much, it sums up who I am and what Button Fayre is with one glance. Anything goes with me, I love trying new things and adding different techniques into my designs and I also love mixing different techniques into one design too which I find gives it texture.
We all have different life stories, dreams and ideas which is what makes us all so unique and depending on our personalities, things can sometimes be a little repressed or extremely extrovert but one thing's for sure, we all have the ability to have an imagination, and to use it too.
Lucy x